by The Poet Behind The Poems & Chelsey Jan 18, 2013
category :
Dark, fantasy /
dark, horror
Darkness is my gravity. As it weighs |
by Marcy Lewis
Oh my god. This is awesome. o.O |
by Unknown
As stated a few times, you two mesh so well together! I demand more collabs! :) |
by Meme
The dark tone all through this piece was spectacular! |
by The Queen
The abrupt line breaks in the first stanza are very distracting to be honest. They are so abrupt that it is jarring to read them. It also makes the line transition a bit out of place. I really like your diction here, the intensity of your word choice, but they are less noticeable due to the current line structure. The intensity of your dialogues most of the times, can be determined through a suitable structure. Most of the dark poems are often structured irregularly and not on a regular pattern whereas as if I am reading an almost rhymed or metered poem. |
by Maple Tree
I do love collabs that mesh together... You two wrote a powerful piece on the darkened thoughts... of a depressive nature... the ending is very powerful.... love love love this! |