by Rusheena Jan 19, 2013
category :
Dark, fantasy /
dark, horror
Strap me down to that gurney and cart me off into the shadows. |
by Unknown
Very powerful metaphor of the drugs for the way you feel about your life, expressing the sadness and possibly the disappointments in yourself. |
by Rusheena
You're spot on. I usually just put my feelings on paper, but I wanted to try to write from different points of views, portraying what or who I feel like at the time. Thanks for commenting, Hannah. :) |
I loved the darkness in your poem. What a metaphor of injection with lithium!!! This must be inspiring. The ending with burning in the chest is unique. |
by Rusheena
Thanks for all of the feedback, Khalid; I really appreciate it! |
What are spiritual drugs? not sure what you mean. are they good or bad? |
by Rusheena
Haha, sorry, I should've clarified that. I didn't mean actual drugs. I meant things that defile the soul and make it corrupt, like drugs do to the body. |
by East Poetry
This poems derserves a 5/5 for sure. |
by Rusheena
I was referring to spiritual drugs, but I totally agree. They're addictive but have devastating consequences. Thanks for commenting! |
by Jason Rainey
I like it. I wanna feel that way sometimes. Very good job. Can't wait for part 2. |
by Rusheena
Thanks, Jason! It'll be up next week. |