If Only

by Unknown   Jan 20, 2013

Your poor, chapped lips -
they flake, crumble and peel
while your once sweltering saliva
turn into icicles.

I can't bear to blow gusts of warmth
into our conjoined palms,
it will detach us -

While I await my new future,
I will dwell on every single "if only",
preparing myself for a new challenge,
to be a better lover in our afterlife.

If only I would have listened closer,
I would have understood your mumbles of insecurities -
you were afraid I didn't love you anymore.

If only I would have communicated more,
you wouldn't have had doubts -
you would have known you were perfect
in every single way.

If only I could have blow-torched the igloo
surrounding my Siberian heart -
before it was too late.

Tonight, Darling...
I will glare into our killers eyes,
and await for my death with pride -
we will be together again
in a place where temperature does not exist.

*BotP - Round 1*

Copyright 2013: Hannah K.


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  • 11 years ago

    by Jenavia L G

    I love it.
    This was beautiful.
    Keep up the good work.

  • 12 years ago

    by Marcy Lewis

    If only I would have communicated more,
    you wouldn't have had doubts -
    you would have known you were perfect
    in every single way.

    ^That is a great stanza. It expresses the heartbreak of regret and what would have been if the speaker had changed something. The things it would've changed, the doubts, the insecurity of the lover, are such sad spots, that it makes my stomach drop. It hits home for the girls reading this in the perspective of the speaker's significant other.

    Again, I'm a fan! c:

  • 12 years ago

    by TSI25

    This poem, clearly, has a lot of emotion in it. it portrays a lot of sadness, and it does so in a way that flows well enough, and is easy enough to read.

    that said a couple of the metaphors were a little awkward. "siberian heart" with the part about melting an igloo with blow torch. the use of temperature as a metaphor for conflict and emotion in this way is interesting, and definitely food for thought but it shifts from being a tool in one passage to being an antagonist in the next, and siberian hearts and igloos and blowtorches seem almost too outlandish for a poem with a sad tone such as this.

    lastly the poem focuses very heavily on "I" and "you" and never strays very far away from the narrator or the subject, without really defining the narrator or the subject. i think, over all, this poem could stand a little bit of revision and work, but shows great promise.

  • 12 years ago

    by DirtRoadGirl

    I absolutly loved this... I envy people with talent as beautiful as this

  • 12 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    Hannah, this is one of your best , your creativity is in a league of its own , everything you write hits home with such raw power I have to say I read this about 5 times
    And the ending line was the icing on the cake ,

    You are unbelievable !!

    Added to my favs