Unsightly Sores

by VP Cruz   Jan 20, 2013

The old man on the corner, ignore him and his ramblings
Perhaps his comeuppance, consequent to his gamblings

Appears old, unkept, as if time has pushed aside
The decay of society, whom time has not been polite

It would be ill-minded, for one to consider
Been always impecunious, not once a contributor

Love to hear their stories, how they've traveled far
The road obviously rough, could tell by their scars

Rusty old teeth, of what they have left
The least of their problems, can imagine their breath

Near they would gather, there where they feed
The nation's attention, their absolute dire need

Their presence considered, an unsightly sore
An issue the city, continues to ignore

Not all who came, found their fortune
Greed infested minds, consumed by the poison

Fall victim to its hype, lured convincingly
Blinded by temptation, squander unsuccessfully

The never ending hunger, the belly of the city
After it consumes you, spits you out without pity

Sole possessions, they'll protect with their life
Amongst each other, they'll defend to survive

Their prides long past, braving the lanes
Extend open their hands, for any spare change

If ever they expire, whatever the cause
Society moves on, not even a loss

Ironic our leaders assist countries in need
Where here in our backyard, we continue to bleed


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