Louder than Words

by Chelsey   Jan 22, 2013


Don't speak with your words, just with your touch.
Bask in the the quietness with me and let our
kiss tell the story of how we've been waiting for
this moment. This moment of colliding two hearts,
two bodies, two lives into one serene night.

I will hold you in every way ever imagined. Arms
around your neck, or palms around your face.
Legs around your waist, or chest to chest.
Fingers laced, or lips between each other.
Any way to be close to you, I will be.

Hush now.

Let any care or worry you've had before I
showed up, be cast aside shores of broken
waves. Washed away, cleansing your mind
for only thoughts of us. Prepare yourself to
think of nothing other than right now, with me.

Try not to blink, for missing half a second of
this bliss is missing too much. Lock your sight
on the windows to my soul and climb in as I
throw down a rope. Inviting you to make this
your resting spot, if just for a night. If just for now.


Let our actions say all that needs to be said.


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Decayed

    My oh my. My oh my.
    This is beyond beauty.
    I can hear the sensual shushing all over !
    Amazingly done.

  • 12 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Aww How beautiful this is, that time when you are just together is bliss. Actions are louder than words sometimes, you don't need to talk for hours, just be together and be close.

    I love this!