Comments : Satori

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    My thoughts on this.. This someone has a desire in his veins but despite that he put enough distant so that nothing between you two could happen.. and so either you realized that nothing will happen or you realize that something could happen and that's where the enlightenment comes from... now you know where you have to go.. North to where the compass points towards.... to find that igloo, in that forlorn land.

    I think...

  • 12 years ago

    by Decayed

    You are indescribable.

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    I've seriously read this about 20 times, I always do with your new pieces. I never know how to truly comment because words totally leave me, but I am going to try to leave a little something.

    I love the title, I have to admit...I had to look up the meaning lol. It said it means "sudden enlightenment" and I think it fits this poem perfectly.

    "You cage the moon in your veins" - seriously, how do you come up with these awesome lines? I'm beyond jealous.

    Overall, what I think this poem is about is distance... not only on the map but in the relationship. And you finally realized it... you had that "sudden enlightenment" that maybe things won't work out, that it's best to part your ways... to let him be in that forlorn land while you go back home where you belong.


  • 12 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    Your talents soar dear lady. It was nice to read them again. I enjoyed this one very much, it is your own style.

  • 11 years ago

    by Blood of a Lion

    I am glad you're able to capture everything so eloquently in a phrase that tells everything and yet nothing.

    But an igloo protects against the cold, even though it itself is cold. Either way I like it.

  • 11 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    [Weekly Contest Comment: 1/28/13]

    I really feel spellbound by what the poet has penned...the poet wrote this brevity that is enchanting and yet makes me try to understand this relationship you are portraying- if one wants the distance but there seems to be nowhere one can go without his/her presence. What I truly admired is this piece
    is the wording of some of these lines. "Winter becomes you" has more of a intimate, inevitable tone to it instead of just writing the metaphor "you are winter". The power of the first line is unforgettable, and definitely makes me think about this "you" in their mystery. The poet conveyed such a journey and while reading this, I felt no longer will you be guided toward the igloo, you will find your home and only be led by your self. A true gem!