Comments : Dot That Will Fade

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Wow, this was really interesting, it shows a bit of how you view yourself and how unimportant you feel that you are. To me, I got a glimpse of perhaps not been given the right things in life that you needed, I got this idea from this line:

    I bake my cake and eat as fast as I can
    So no one else can steal the stuff from my hands

    - It reminded me of a foster child who has not been given much food in their life and so when they get offered food they eat it so fast in fear that it will be taken away again. It is like they do not trust life and the good things it offers.

    I like the relation of you being a dot, a dot is so small and tiny, which is how you feel in yourself. But in language a dot is so very important, reading would be near impossible without them.

    Good job.

  • 12 years ago

    by Rusheena

    Another great poem, Jason!

  • 12 years ago

    by Jason Rainey

    Thank you. I will say, this is an older poem and I don't currently feel this way but I did when I wrote it. It's always been one of my favorites and is on my album. I did censor the S word with the word "stuff"' because I feel more people will read it as I believe a lot of people could possibly relate to it.