Comments : Invisible Target

  • 12 years ago

    by Ares

    Strong poem which I think I got the jist of pretty quickly. It's an amazing piece of poetry and I really enjoyed your subdued sense of beauty in the words you chose. A very nice read :)


  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Now you, this is like poetry at the forefront of eye opening often couples fight and argue and they let it control their relationship but they forget that children see everything and don't always understand what they see and hear. To a young child, angry voices mean fear and whatever is said doesn't's the tone.

    I know love is a crazy thing. It doesn't always last and arguments and break ups happen but from a child's perspective, its confusing.

    You really captured that well crafted something that I feel really should have been highlighted.

    Thank you for bringing my attention to this piece. Awesome poetry,
