Comments : Something to tell you

  • 12 years ago

    by Amreen

    Has anyone told you how beautiful a poetess you are? YOU are!
    This is amazing and impeccable!
    My votes have exhausted. If possible, This will be my first next week's nomination:)

  • 12 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    I agree with Amreen... You are a beautiful poetess... this piece has me blushing, because I too feel this way for James... its a breathtaking feeling... this piece is simply breathtaking!!

  • 12 years ago

    by Ares

    This is a great poem and I think you show your talent through the words you chose to use in certain situations. However, I'm not quite sure that the parts where you write "You are." is 100% effective in all the places you use it.

    That's the only piece of critique I can give basically, so all in all I think it's a great poem and I like reading it :)
    - Ares

  • 12 years ago

    by Ares

    This is a great poem and I think you show your talent through the words you chose to use in certain situations. However, I'm not quite sure that the parts where you write "You are." is 100% effective in all the places you use it.

    That's the only piece of critique I can give basically, so all in all I think it's a great poem and I like reading it :)
    - Ares

  • 12 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Oh Chelsey, this is awesome, and I agree with Amreen and Andrea that you are beautiful in your writing.
    I also agree with Ares, on the use of "you are" is not always as effective, I am thinking it's overused, and maybe just at the end it would work better, as it is repeated in the questions and then the flow gets toppled a bit.

    But you know I love you and you're writing, girl, this was breathtaking and inspirational


  • 12 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Awww this is such a beautiful, sweet, and feel-good poem! I really enjoyed reading it from start to finish!

    I love the simplicity of this poem, but the emotions you conveyed are relatable. I love how you most of the stanzas were questions, and the sentenced followed was always "You are." as though reassuring this person.

    I loved these parts:

    "You're the sound of piano keys composing a
    love song"

    "I could be lost in your gaze and never want to
    find my way home."

    "Can I reply to the invitation your smile sends

    This poem reminded me of the first few dates with someone you really like... and how everything about him/her makes you feel amazing! Loved it. Great job <3

  • 12 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Your words are so soothing Chels and I love the images you convey here, they touch me deeply....especially mentioning this person is the sound of piano keys and the sight of morning. It's like rebirth. What comfort is found in this person and you are able to be freely yourself. I loved how used exquisite too, that was so sweet :]

  • 12 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    I like this because your closing line is mine back to front, of my latest...lmao

    In all seriousness, I adore this and will be back to tomorrow to leave you a proper comment as I'm heading to bed!

  • 12 years ago

    by average thoughts

    Evry single line of dis poem is beautiful,chels..

  • 12 years ago

    by NobodyKnowsItButMe

    Has anyone told you how beautiful ua poems are??lol
    Your writings are so captivating...enchanting...
    I'm amazed & left speechless after reading this wonderful piece of yours! Just wow!5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Natasha

    Indeed. It's beautiful,
    and left me speechless, for sure! c:

  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    WOW, this was beautiful, I love it soooo much, it makes my whole heart go awwwwwwwwwww, wonderful job in every way, never stop writing, 100/100

  • 12 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    And, here I am, back. Late, as usual. Slap me?


    I am completely in love with the 2nd 3rd and 4th lines of your opening stanza. Oh my. I just can't get over them. They are breathtaking and beautiful, and you write your thoughts on this person so elegantly without it turning into cliche. The "piano keys" really moved me, as it was so unique. It's not something I have seen on here (or anywhere) before.

    Your second stanza..well, what can I say? It's even better than the first. Again, you manage to portray your thoughts and feelings about this person in such a magnificent way, and in a way it kind of reminds me of 'first love.' When you fall head over heels for someone, and they are just indescribably perfect for you.

    "Can I reply to the invitation your smile sends me?"

    I LOVE that. It's such unique wording. We hear about a person's smile all the time in poetry (I'm guilty too) but you manage to recapture that here with your unique flair.

    Your repetition of "you are" works exteremely well throughout this. It makes me feel NEED to keep reminding them, keep telling them, just how special they are to you. That they HAVE to believe it.

    I love this.