Justice of a Broken Heart

by Sean Ash   Jan 25, 2013

Injustice is the biggest cause of suffering to a man's
heart in which the only possible cure being a scarce
medicine called justice.

And I tell thee justice is not revenge, for I have
returned many compliments of the same gestures to
only being bestowed with the same horrific ends;
a melancholy refusing to leave as if it had some sort
of claim to squatter's rights.

My friends, I have learned that justice is accepting my part as the fool in all this. I was the idiot that failed to learn. However, I came to accept this and it was my acceptance that enabled me to learn and discover my inalienable rights.

It was then I became empowered to serve notice on such pain. It was then I claimed the legitimacy to evict all injustices. It was then I placed myself back on the market.

It was Justice.

by Sean Ash


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