Why did you have to leave me

by Kelwin lost in thought   Jan 25, 2013

Why did you have to do it
you promised me you wouldn't leave
you promised me you wouldn't do anything
you told me you loved me
but if you loved me
you would still be alive
I gave you my heart
you gave me yours
you ment the world to me
so why
why did you do it
I could of helped you
I could of saved you
but now the only thing that saving me
is also killing me
each cut is to stay alive
each drop of blood
is a tear from my heart
my heart will be crying for ever
you told me your last words
I told you I would fallow you
but here I am
I'm still alive
but yet I'm not
you changed me
you completly broked me
you killed me
I thought nothing would ever hurt me again
but you did
you don't know how much I miss you
how much I want to join you
so I can hold you
and tell you I love you
you asked me to never forget you
and I won't
I can't
I love you to much
you made me so happy
but now you make me sad
you said you will be my guardian angel
and I don't know what to say
I've never been hurt this bad befor
you ment so much to me
you will always be in my heart
you will always have my heart
I wish you didn't do it
cause now I try to kill myself
every night
I can't stop thinking about you
or about killing myself
you don't know how much you trully mean to me
and now I can't ever tell you
I love you
now and forever
I won't ever forget you


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  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    This poem is soooo sad, it made me want to cry, I will ALWAYS BE HERE FOR YOU! I will NEVER LEAVE YOU, I LOVE YOU BRO, you mean so much to me, this poem was a really well done poem, very emotional and really spoke to the reader!

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