I can't take it

by Kelwin lost in thought   Jan 25, 2013

I can't take it anymore
faking being happy
wearing a mask every day
hiding my scars
it's to much
I can't take it
is this really life
cause I'm in hell
all I can think about is her
and how I can kill myself
I can't fake this smile any longer
it's over
life is to painfull
is death any easier
I welcome death
and I push away life
I'm tired of being made fun of
being judged cause of my arms
is this how life should be
full of pain misery and hate
why did I have to be born in this world
why couldn't I be born in a book
where at least I know I'll have an happy ending
is this the end
or only the begining
I don't know if I want to wait and find out
or take the cowards way out
I can't be strong any longer
I just can't
it's to much


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  • 12 years ago

    by Someone Invisible

    I don't know you but from the sounds of it there are people here you do and care about you greatly if not for you and your family then for your family on here...stay

  • 12 years ago

    by Someone Invisible

    I feel you...especially tonight, I would welcome it with open arms tonight

  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    If you were dead, I'd miss you too much, you are such a bright shining star, don't give up on life, don't throw it away, this poem is so sad and full of wonderful writing!

  • 12 years ago

    by Jump from Life

    Please Kelwin, don't. I meant what I said last night too you. Please? If you go, then I do too. Please dear, now the question you posed to me is reversed. Please, make your choice.

  • 12 years ago

    by Let It Be

    Kelwin Don't!!!!!!

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