A suggestion for Cain's God

by onethuscome   Jan 27, 2013

I needn't look for happiness
its right here in me
there alongside is sadness
in moping misery

either would have my attention
like children they gambol on
then once i stop to notice
each feigns my only son

one says life is meaningless
what is the use to try
when nothing we've done will matter
the moment after we die

the other says life is wonderful
we need only craft a scheme
then living life to the fullest
will be more than just a dream

as to truth i can not say
though all parents their favorites have
yet as sons each has my blessing
(a suggestion for Cain's God)


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  • 12 years ago

    by Darren

    This rhymes very well. short and tight stanzas help the flow.

    Fains should be feigns, but hey that is the only nit (apart from 'i' should be 'I')

    This piece is very clever, it could be read as somebody who is indecisive and over analyses everything. Or somebody who suffers from voices.

    there are signs of deep depression in this.

    A great write.

  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    I loved the description and the flow was very nicely done, great poem