Not ur game

by Brian Wilburn   Jan 27, 2013

No more for you
not now or ever
we will never be for ever
your now my past
just like rippin off this cast
no this will not last
you are gone from me
you an i never to be
so leave my eye
as i say good bye
lies get cold
as u begin to fold
no gift of mine will ever stay
becaus i began to slay down my hill
ur just spent like a bill
so no more for u
not now not never
your just a flyin feather
releasin u
now u leave
as i pull up my sleave
lose the number
it may be a bummer
you lost me now
like milkin a cow
so pass on by
there will be no u an i
i have no more to say
the story is over
you will never be my clover
bye for now bye for good
please just leave as i do the same
just go play ur game
u an i wl not have no future
your just a player
now ur a slayer
now i end the moments
sending my good byes
we are now the past
so just go kiss my ass


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  • 12 years ago

    by Biancas Veil

    If the intended person this poem was for didn't get the picture than they were a fool.

    Good write its as if with each line you are pushing them further away.