One By One

by Gary R Priester   Jan 27, 2013

One by one our time will come
I feared that thought when I was young
To leave my world my friends my home
To see not what's next my mind worried on

Why must we die? I asked On High
He did not answer and time went by
Some friends have gone my children grown
Soon I fear I'll be alone

It is a different world a different time
It has all changed It's no longer mine
If its not my world then its not my time
It belongs to those I'll leave behind

The man On High has shown me now
To fear not death he taught me well
So some day soon my time may come
I fear this not for I am not young!


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  • 12 years ago

    by L

    This sounded like a chant! I like it, and it's kind of humorous .. and very well done in my opinion.

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