Not Afraid

by Loveless Dreamer   Jan 28, 2013

I'm wandering the streets
But nothing seems to help
I can still see you smiling
I can still hear your laugh
I cross your path many times
I'm so afraid to fall
I have no more confidence
No more strength to hold on
I've crossed someone else's path
I no longer wonder these sad, lonely streets
This new path is filled with hope
I slowly build up my confidence
My strength slowly builds
I'm not afraid to fall
I no longer see you smiling
Nor can I hear your laugh
I don't have to fear love anymore
The only thing I have to fear
Is the fear of being hurt again
Of having my heart break again
But this new path is filled with graceful love
I have nothing to fear
But fear itself of course
I have you to thank
For breaking my heart
For breaking down my wall
For killing my soul
And for teaching me a lesson
A lesson that love is deceiving
That it's only a simple game
A game of love, trust, and faith
You taught me not to trust you
I taught myself not to love you
I'm learning not to have faith in you
You're never going to change

Written: January 29, 2011


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  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Wow, I can relate to this, I think most can, I loved your describtion and the pouring emotion and the beautiful journey you printed on the page, wonderful poem

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