Comments : She Wore Scarlet

  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Oh wow, I love the imagery in is sombre, but it is peaceful, it is naturalistic and beautiful...the way you penned this was just beyond perfect...the imagery and the way you described her and everything was just sheer brilliance

    I love it :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Ares

    I agree with Tara Kay on the peaceful aspect of this poem. I also found the words cold and the pace was slow and effective, which is fantastic as a reader to come across, because it gives at sense that one is drawn in by the poem and it just refuses to let you go.

    Amazing title, gave me chills right off the bat. Great poem, as I´ve come to expect, and I really enjoyed reading it!


  • 11 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Maple I adore this. It is the two worlds between the deep emotion and darkness but yet somehow you still manage to connect with nature and peace. This is really beautiful.

    Masking eyes with
    rays of sunshine,
    blazed skin
    reminds her of

    - this actually reminding me of someone putting on eye make up to brighten up their eyes when they have become dark from stress and lack of sleep. Like they are painting on a brighter picture for others while they are only reminded of the darkness that is relaly there inside of them.

    Again, I find myself seeing things that are perhaps not in this poem at all but they come into my mind none the less. For me, the poem relates to the inner desire to just fly away to the other side to be free from what is on this side, to be free from the pain and emotion you feel now. It is not that you want to leave, but more the trapped feeling of you feel dead inside and can't really find hope some days.

    This is what I took from it, which was very powerful.

    The use of the world scarlet can represent a lot too, it can be love and death/blood... but in this poem for me, it is representing the suffering of what is inside you and the death of the things you feel you are losing in yourself. While on one hand this is how you show it, to the other hand of the people on the outside, it is merely just a shade of lipstick.

    Excellent poem, xx

  • 11 years ago

    by Amreen

    MT, you are amazing in this piece.
    I really loved the way you used to convey the depth of the message.
    Just love it!
    Keep writing:)

  • 11 years ago

    by Natasha

    This is beautiful, Andrea! The landscape you painted in this poem and the imaginery scene totally amazing. I love how you put all the words and made it into this beautiful poem! 5/5

    P/S: Scarlet is my fav color :D

  • 11 years ago

    by Sarah Nicole

    Good i loved it