Comments : The Ultimate Fantasy

  • 12 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    I can't even describe this, it was just sooo beautiful, and powerful, the romance and the serene movement of it made it flow smoothly, and it was just beyond sweet.

    I love it. OMG, I am speechless

  • 12 years ago

    by Decayed

    I have read your latest before I read this now, and this sounds similar in perfection to that!

    My God!! I have finished my votes, and I also wish to see this on the front page.

    I'm just fond of how amazing your writings are turning out to be to date. You evolved beautifully through words.

    I am, too, speechless.

    Write On :D

  • 12 years ago

    by Angie

    **Just being beside you, listening to you say nothing at all, the two of us swaddled under one blanket. Nestled tightly.**

    ^^That is what real true love is... if you have that, you have everything.

    This is a beautiful write Chelz.

  • 11 years ago

    by Jaleel

    OMFG that was awesome!!!!! And it was pretty vivid.

  • 11 years ago

    by Gabriel

    I liked the last 4 lines because it was saying a relationship is more than sex which 80% of hollywood movies try to make it the opposite by putting the sex first then the love which I think is shallow especially when it is on their first date.

  • 11 years ago

    by Lostlove1

    Awesome stanzas sweet pea. This was lovely...

  • 11 years ago

    by dalllllal

    This is beautiful I loved it from beginning to end your style in writing and choice of words are amazing

  • 11 years ago

    by Lemon

    The detail in this is just beautiful. It takes love and picks it apart, summing it up perfectly. The only part I don't get is the third stanza, it seems a little out of place. Who is the mysterious 'she' in it? Aside from that (and that could just be me not reading it right), this is fantastic

  • 11 years ago

    by Lemon

    The detail in this is just beautiful. It takes love and picks it apart, summing it up perfectly. The only part I don't get is the third stanza, it seems a little out of place. Who is the mysterious 'she' in it? Aside from that (and that could just be me not reading it right), this is fantastic