How Now

by Andrew Packard   Jan 30, 2013

"How Now?"

Delayed brew;
5:30 am.
The sensation of color
Blankets my lair.

Arousing, igniting earthy nest.
Hazelnut flavor envelops
With Raw biodegradable crinkles.

Utensil lifts
Moistened patties of perfection
Wrapped with skillet charred scramble.

Floodgates of Maple,
Unleashed upon a -
Trampoline of sorrel.

In the company of Mayberries and ham,
The dust of the day breaks
Resting out to a dark trail.

Between then and now,
all fades and is forgotten.
after the fire is gone,
memories poke holes like the canvas
of a fawn.

Author's notes:
Number 68 maybe? 8:26 am Jan. 22, 2013
For a contest about color.....
Its describing my new favorite restaurant down the street "State Line Family Restaurant" We call the common people that go there 'Ham & Eggers.' And catch the reference to the town of Mayberry TV's Andy Griffin Show!


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  • 12 years ago

    by Andrew Packard

    Its about nothing is really very important throughout the day so memories fade away....

    into little pin points like the dots on a bambi.

    The fire going out is the end of the day or the end of youth or death, or just the passion to give a shit....

  • 12 years ago

    by Rusheena

    This blew me away; it's nostalgic because it instantly brought me back to the first time I read a poem with image. It's called "Onions", by William Matthews (

    I love the imagery in this. It makes a typical morning seem like an adventure, and it makes me feel like I'm the only enjoying that breakfast. There were a few minor grammar and punctuation errors, and I didn't quite get that last line. But I absolutely loved this poem! Keep it up!