
by Angie   Feb 1, 2013


she sits alone in her room
as one day flows into another
watching old television shows
and trying to work a crossword puzzle

she knows your face and
remembers your name
she'll even tell you stories
of many years ago
but don't ask what she ate
or who called today

that she wont remember...

phone conversations that
once lasted for hours
have now dwindled down to
maybe ten minutes
and even then it's the same
questions three times
before saying goodbye

she once was a vibrant woman
always with her hair done
makeup on and dressed pretty
now she sits in her night clothes
waiting for someone to help her
because she doesn't have the strength
to take a shower and dress herself

she always was a people person
looked forward to seeing her family
cooking laughing and loving
but now she just stays in that room
missing all the fun with her
great grandchildren

Alzheimer's is a mean disease
first it takes the short term memory
then one day it'll take the long term
I do not look forward to that day

I already miss my mommy

**thank you Andrea for the title**


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  • 11 years ago

    by Edward Oropeza

    Pretty well done Angie, a simple realization of how we are going to be someday when we reach the same age, when we don't have the strength anymore, and will be waiving for a little help, but the memory that we can make the moment our eldest or parent needs help, is the memory they will treasure forever...

  • 11 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    I commented once before, purely out of emotion, because I adore you, know you, and I feel the same with your Mother. So this piece hit me personally...

    Today I will comment on the freshness and technical points of this poem. I do admire your ability to etch feelings with an elegant simplicity that is your signature style. It truly is beautiful Ang- I also like the format... You took a creative and unique angle in format with this one and it reads beautifully... and I agree with the other comments as well... ending your poem with "Mommy" hits the reader... very hard with emotion, much so that the tissues go flying... again, beautiful poem <3

  • 12 years ago

    by Merdy


  • 12 years ago

    by OHgreenman

    Very well constructed and tell that it was from the heart. I know how hard it is on you, especially after you hang up with her. Keep smiling and remembering the good times, we'll be down there soon.

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Angie this is such a touching poem, I adore the idea that you are speaking up for these sufferers and showing others the affect it has not only to them and their mind but also to their life and those around them.

    I love how you capture her personality so we can imagine the character she was and how this disease is turning her into a stranger for you and taking aay the things that made her who she is.

    So very beautifully sad and your ending line was very tearful as sometimes they can feel gone before they leave us and this is one of the hardest things for the family to cope with.

    I related to your poem and the emotion and think you done amazingly to pen this out. Well done.