The one you pushed to far

by Kelwin lost in thought   Feb 2, 2013

So it's me
the one you pushed to far
you always picked on me
calling me names
beating me up
what do you get out of it
does it make you feel better
calling me all those things
saying that I'm worthless
telling me that I should die
that no one would ever care
does that make you a man
playing with someones feelings
making them go home and cut themselfs
making me want to kill myself
to just die
do you know all the pain I've been thru
it's cause of you
the reason I cry myself to sleep at night
wishing that I wouldn't wake up
it's you who puts the knife to my wrists
it's you who are killing me
not me
so what do you do
when you read in the papers
that I've killed myself
do you feel good about yourself
the one that you pushed to far
or maybe
you make me hate your guts
make me hate everyones gut
so bad that I decide
to take action
to make you suffer
the way you made me suffer
the one kid you pushed to far
how you you feel
when I break
and come to school
with bombs straped to my chest
and guns in my hands
when I come for you
and everyone else who made me this way
that's all your doing
is making people like me suffer
we deal with it our own way
but you could be making us
do something that we don't want to
but when we do that
who is responsible
is it you
no it's us
the people who are broken
the people who you made
so what
is it all fun and games
when our life is on the line
do you feel like a man
knowing that it was you who drove us to this
so think
the next time you call someone else a name
the next time
you may not be so lucky
but for me
you make me bleed
your the reason I want to die
but the next person
may not be so lucky
you can turn them into a monster
you can turn them into a killer
but I'm the one
you pushed to far
I'm the one you will have to deal with in hell
the devil has nothing to me
I'm the demon you made
you will be haunted
by your own creation
cause I am the one you pushed to far


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Alanis

    Raw hidden emotion

  • 12 years ago

    by neverbesad

    So much anger , we are humans not animals , we have the power of our mind to overcome others
    muscles .

  • 12 years ago

    by Natasha

    This is sad. But somehow, I still love it!! :D

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