Crossword Companions

by Unknown   Feb 2, 2013

no longer will we be each others competition,
we will bind our hands at last
and customize our companionship.

As we play this game of love,
don't fret over the blazing fire hazards -
for we will extinguish them to ashes
and create a maze that will guide us
to our enchanting haven.

If you ever feel like you have been
swallowed by the inky spaces -
follow the sentimental clues,
they will lead you back home to me.

*Botp - Round 2*

Copyright 2013: Hannah K.


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  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    I had to comment, seeing as you were against me in this round...and hats off to you for winning this deserved it, totally.

    It was intriguing and I loved the way you penned this, and the take on the prompt, really beautiful and sweet, the feel of this was really touching, it had that gentleness.

    I love the metaphors you use, really powerful.


  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    no longer will we be each others competition,
    we will bind our hands at last
    and customize our companionship.

    - ohhh love this opening Hannah, very intriguing, it is like there is a mystery as to why these two have not yet been together. The idea of customizeing the relationship offers much to the imagination, it makes me think of fixing a rotuine in the relationship which suits both parties lol. Excellent way to start and get the reader wanting to know more.

    As we play this game of love,
    don't fret over the blazing fire hazards -
    for we will extinguish them to ashes
    and create a maze that will guide us
    to our enchanting haven.

    - This implys to me that there have been people trying to get in the way of these two which is what the fire hazards represent. Or perhaps they represent the insecurities which are equally destroying. I do like the positive of this verse and how the love is strong in the way that they feel there is nothing to stop them now.

    If you ever feel like you have been
    swallowed by the inky spaces -
    follow the sentimental clues,
    they will lead you back home to me.

    -" swallowed by inky spaces" ohhh Hannah I adore this, jumps right out and creates an image of very powerful writing. That is such a sweet way to end in that there are clues all around which will always guide them back to you. Very romantic.

    Loved this Hannah, you rock at love poems.

  • 12 years ago

    by Marcy Lewis

    This is adorable. You are extremely good with metaphors, and even though this is a cutesy couple poem, you've managed to bring it to an utterly beautiful point.

    If you ever feel like you have been
    swallowed by the inky spaces -
    follow the sentimental clues,
    they will lead you back home to me.

    ^^That was fabulous. Your endings are always perfection. Not only is it about the game, it's about the love between the speaker and the lover - knowing that there is a game that will always bring the two together, even if one is playing it alone.

    Exceptional write!

  • 12 years ago

    by TSI25

    This piece is interestingly written, and reads as if the whole thing takes place off of a crossword puzzle. this has benefits and detriments... firstly it creates a very unique and distinct impression that i havent seen in a lot of writing, but its also very unstructured, and random, as is the structure of an acrostic. that is to say that acrostic puzzels avoid giving contextual clues as to meanings and solutions.

    that being said there were a number of implied meanings i found interesting, life is unstructured, hopping from one moment to the next, and a good, fun relationship should be full of spontaneity.

    over all it was very interestingly written, as i said before.

  • 12 years ago

    by Khalid M Darwish

    The last stanza is my favourite, especially the last two lines. The large dossage of emotion made the poem adorable for me. Excellent.