A Musing Thought

by Ares   Feb 6, 2013

Your light hit me as if you weren't there.
I could feel a lingering of your words,
Like echoes in a long forgotten cave.

Long since buried and recently avoided,
I now claim this space for my thoughts.
My mind simply cannot keep them at bay.

For weeks they have slept and for weeks they have starved,
I now finally offer a sip of water and some bread,
And watch as they create and make me scribble words on a page.

On that page, there would be no life, no plot, no twist and turns,
Had I not first been blinded by your light.
Keeping that in mind; what does that make you?

Does it make you a muse, my muse, our muse?
If so; whose muse are you?
To make it perfectly clear: there is a vacancy.

That is, if you got the time.


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  • 10 years ago

    by BlueJay

    I definitely agree with Tara Kay on this one, I love the creativity here even though it did take me a moment or two longer than usual to really understand. i think you've penned something phenomenal because everything about this piece is spot on and done so perfectly.

  • 12 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    So much power in this piece...Ares...Real creative and makes me think. The questions were deep and the content was fantastic


  • 12 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Im glad I took the time to read this piece... Ares!!! Holy Moly!

    Im speechless and so forgive for such a small comment... this poem is just awesome, cant break it down!