Babe..Im Sorry and I Love U

by DoEsNtMaTtEr   Feb 8, 2013

Baby Im sorry
Words cant descrive
We can get through it
Even though we've both cried

It was all my fault
I am the one to blame
Because I was the one
Who went drunkly insane

I dont know how you can
Continue loving me
After what I did to us
Bascially I lost us everything

Now I cant see you
Before I shut my eyes at night
When I'm lying down alone
Something just doesnt feel right.

I cry myself asleep
And my body feels so sore
All I think of is you
Your like the apple to my core

I feel as if your going to
Slip away someday
And I wont have Fox in my life
And the memories will go away

I feel like you know who i am
More than other randoms around
Im sure what going on with you
But you defintely make my heart pound

I just want you to know
That I love you
Im sorry that this happened
I dont know what to do

Apology atfer Apology
i keep saying in my head
That night couldve been okay
But I totallt messed it up instead

I need to start changing
Im not happy with my days
i have problems babe
In so many different ways

I cant really explain it
I just think a lot to
About how everything is
And I just get confused

I hold in my emotions
Deep Down Inside
Until that day comes
Where they completely slide.

I hope we're together
for another 7 years
I hope you wont give up on me
thats one of my biggest fears

I screwed up this time
I admit it baby
I just want us to continue..
Fox & RhI
Love you babe. Your my World :)


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  • 12 years ago

    by ReBecca

    I enjoyed this...I can understand...I too have done something that could be considered wrong, though at the time it was necessary, but it caused alot of hurt to the one I love most and trying to repair that damage is painful for both of us...I wish you the best.

    • 12 years ago

      by DoEsNtMaTtEr

      Thank you so much! I greatly appreciate it. When I have so much on my mind all I do is write poem after poem. It helps me unleash my hurt and all these crazy thoughts I have. I'm glad you can relate and I hope things got better for you. I'm still suffering through what happened but trying my absolute best to stay positive. But it's hard when the person you love with all your heart after 7 years is treating you like your nothing over one night, one mistake, one thing that should've never happened. It wasn't a cheating innocent, just an innocent where I drank too much and lost us out apartment, one of our dogs and now could be facing some serious stuff...I know that's probably too much info but I'm hurting so much. So thank you for your comment and I wish you the best also, take care friend.