
by Poet on the Piano   Feb 9, 2013

Take me when the moment is no longer mine
and the tears caught 'twixt my eyelashes
can be shared together-- our sorrows --
transformed into a journey we only
heard about from musky, crinkly pages
of long lost books.

Darkness cannot keep up when we
are wide eyed to sunlight, so brush my
hair away from fright and play
the flute with lips I knew would rescue me,
freely opening our lives to the coast
around us.

Frothy waves crash and emote,
but their lively pitched spirits don't fall-
they soar as we were also made to do.

Continue my story, with you...

written 2/09/2013 at 5:09 pm.
inspired by this song called "Continued story" from an anime called Code Geass. there's this really small part in the beginning part of the song where a flute just takes off, and it's so beautiful. Thanks for reading!


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  • 12 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Maryanne, This is frigging beautiful...OMG I want to cry...this just touched me, it really did...that sincereness and the wording was just epic.

    I love the use of flutes, such beautiful instruments, added to the gentle grace of the piece.

    I am just speechless...
    I love this!