May God keep you safe in his arms

by Poet on the Piano   Feb 10, 2013

This is the worst suffering I could possibly imagine for you....
it goes beyond anything I have ever seen with my two eyes
or the pain I've called bad, just in my years alive.
It's horrible, gut-wrenching, and I am haunted by what
you must be struggling with this second, unable to accept
the reality of a situation that should have never been.

You weren't even there. Did you get a call or did an officer
come to your door? Were you home? Were you away?
The sirens....the shock....the realization:
this afternoon you had a mother, a few hours later
you suddenly don't.

And I can't even imagine what your heart must look like
when it's in this heavy, broken grief.

You are just like me. We are the same age, both going
to the same high school, and I don't know what I'd do
if this happened to me. We are young.
I can't say I'd be able to say I'm okay or that I'm feeling
anything for a very long time...

Know that your family will never be forgotten,
so don't feel like you are alone in this.
Don't be afraid to cry, let your tears fall in
remembrance and if it takes year and years
for you to finally not fall apart at the sound
of her name.....that's okay.

Because I cannot even fathom why a daughter
and son have to lose their mother, right before
they are even an adult on their own.

A mother's beauty can never be taken away,
it should never leave a family.
May her soul watch over you forever.

written 2/10/13
I just had to write something about this: a family friend who lives on the same road as us got into a one-car crash last night and passed away, her husband will be okay but is in critical condition still. I can't imagine the pain and the shock....I mean just all the sudden- gone. Her daughter goes to my church and is in my classes, we played together in childhood and no one should have to lose a mother like hers, who was so strong and was already battling cancer and doing much better. School will not be the same tomorrow as I'm sure every teacher will be saying something...I cannot even imagine. Prayers go out to their whole family <3


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Stephen

    Wow.. I'm sorry to have to read this, as these situations are always extremely painful and life changing.. There's really not much to be said, this is a very unique piece in the sense that it's filled with so many raw emotions & thoughts.. Nothing really metaphoric, it all beats onto your chest as you read and the reader cannot help but to feel saddened..

  • 12 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    Touching and beautifully written

  • 12 years ago

    by AngelDust

    A sad but very heartfelt tribute. Your friend, her family and yourself are in my thoughts and prayers. May time be kind to you all. I lost my mother to a car accident when I was 17. I was also in the accident and was holding her hand when she took her last breath.. My heart goes out to you all. Lots of love.


  • 12 years ago

    by Rusheena

    I'm so sorry for your loss. This instantly brought me back to the death of one of my cousins last summer. She died, just a short time after she put her three children on the school bus. Their mother was very protective of them and hardly let them out of her sight, so I can't imagine what they are going through, not being able to see her everyday. It's scary how unpredictable death is; so we really have to make the time with our loved ones count, while we're here. I pray that God will watch over and comfort you and the family.

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    What a day... A friend of mine lost his mother who was battling cancer the day before yesterday, I was trying to write a poem but I couldn't. You expressed what I want to express, and May God keep them safe in his arms as well as give the family strength to continue.