Comments : Drug of choice

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    well, you should read my poem called "Mary Jane" you may like it, lol.

    anyway, in my opinion weed isn't the worst thing you can ever do. at least it's natural and grown from the earth.

    nice poem!

  • 12 years ago

    by whoami

    Shrooms? Don't do it Kelwin! They mess u up

  • 12 years ago

    by xXx Eternal PainxXx

    Hmmmm? what can i say? i have never done it and never will Kelwin but whoever does it good for them i have my anti-depression pills that DON"T work at times but if you overdose a bit it's AWESOME lol

  • 12 years ago

    by SHORTY25

    Weed used to be my drug of choice back in the days. But now my choice is meth. My method is intravenous. Heroin as well. Shrooms are good. Acid too. I've done every drug except PCP. Wait, I take that back, I forgot Speacial K is PCP
    I'm pretty sure you've heard that weed is the gateway drug. If you think that's bullshit, think again. Cuz you're reading the mind of a prime example.

  • 12 years ago

    by Heather

    Yu right about all that:)

  • 11 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Wow, great poem, really spoke out, but please please please DON'T DO IT!!!!!!

  • 11 years ago

    by Natasha

    I'm not really a fan of drug, nor did I hate it, but it is speak from a friend of mine. Also I know there's nothing I could do about any of that, except to talk.

    I only need you to remember one thing: it'll only give you the sense of relief only for a short period, and when the high effect is gone, you'll stop laughing, you'll start to fill your head again with doubts and considerations, and the depression will start hitting you again like crazy, Kelwin. And when you're depress again, will you do it again? Probably yes, probably no; because you might get tired of it at some point. But who am I to say? It is just a guess though.. :)

    Just, think clearly before you're about to make any decision just to make your pain go away. There is always some other solution for every problem or sadness that is seems to me like not letting you get away with it..

    Who wants to have a clear mind and soul for only a short stack of period by telling people, "I feel like I can clearly breathe happily for once,"? It's not worth it, it is completely useless. In order to get a permanent happiness and to live a happy life without dwelling on stuff that is already gone, you need to learn how to cope with it, dispel drug use in you daily routine and one day, you'll get to see things brightly without even thinking of weed no more.

    Stay strong ~