by Aubrey
Biggest hug in the world!!!!!!! I'm here for you.... |
Thanks |
by Gone Forever
Sweetie you'll get by *hugs* |
HUG HUG HUG, I'll be your shoulder dude, bro!! |
Thanks everyone |
by Kate
Kelwin... I think this is your best poem.... so much heart and emotion and feeling was thrown into this. You'll have many more babies and they'll be adorable. But let little Sapheria rest in peace. |
by Unknown
This absolutely breaks my heart. I know no matter the amount of "I'm sorry" you may hear, it will never take away the pain of losing your unborn baby and the mother of your child. I couldn't even fathom the pain you are experiencing. :( |
Thanks |
by xXx Eternal PainxXx
The flow was just beautiful it spoke to the heart even if they were heartless like me it's very beautiful it shouts the emotions that you put in there and that's just amazing although one word was wrong sorry but to you it wasn't but it's "there" when it should be "their" sorry it's just me lol but beautiful sweetie 5/5 |
Lol thanks for that Hun |
by Guy Epsilon
Today my daughter is 9 months old. She to, as with all of us, could not have been. She was a 1 in 5000 chance according to her doctors. |
by Jenavia L G
I was 3 months pregnant with my first baby when I lost it. |