Untold Apologies

by Yakari Gabriel   Feb 11, 2013

You are a late bloomer, so I don't expect much from you.
maybe by the time you're 25 you'll come to understand things
I already knew when I was 13. but that's not it. I am sorry.

I am sorry that the only road my poetry knows
right now is the road to you but it won't stay like that
it will lose its way somehow, maybe when someone
new comes along with better jokes than the ones
you had. with a smile that's prettier even if right now
I can't think of something more gorgeous than you

I'm sorry for believing so blindly
I guess I was confused too. thinking it was love
when I've come to realize that I don't know what
love is, I never meant to feel this empty

I never meant to sweep you into
the debris I'm in, nor did I want you to
know how badly I am hurting, I guess
you just found out when you sliced me

I know what you found inside
terrified you, that you hadn't seen
a soul bruised as badly as mine

and I just wrote this to tell you,
I'm sorry for being so broken
sorry for being something
you could not give your heart

sorry for being something,
even I, can't give my own heart to


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  • 11 years ago

    by Decayed

    As usual, this is marvelously moving.

  • 11 years ago

    by Chelsey

    :( what the crap?...you don't write for a while then come back and crush my soul with this?

    Jesus girl, I havent read anything this sad in such a long time, which says a lot about this piece because it moved me to tears and poetry that gets me to melt or break down is my favorite...

    You know I always have to touch on whatever the situation may be, but I feel with this one I can't...its so raw, that nothing anyone says will help your emotions here..you just need your time of grievance and moving on...keep writing, your poetry is always amazing.

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