Fading love

by Areeba Hashmi   Feb 12, 2013

Lying here in my bed,with lights switched off,
Thinking of the guy who changed me overall....

All the love I gave him,was I guess of no worth at all,
Cause at the end of every fight he simply asks me to buzz off....

At One moment he makes me feel out of the world,
The very next moment he shows me my degraded worth ...

The feeling oF lost respect,dignity stabs me like hell,
Lying here helplessly,can sense my tears, fell

The feeling of a burden on the shoulders of the one you love ,
No God! Can't stand it,you know me well enough...

It hurts the most when you give someone a special place in your heart,
And they just don't realize the worth the value of it that hard...

Well I guess maybe I deserve to be left and hurt,
By the one who mean to me the whole world...

Maybe its just what I think I'm a perfect lover or a girl,in his life,came
But how can I forget,he used to tell me the same

Is it all over??all ended up in vain???
Oh please don't,we used to call eachother,are destiny are fate....!!!!!


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  • 12 years ago

    by Areeba Hashmi

    This poem is really close to my heart as I wrote it for someone extremely dear to me and you can feel the pain of indirect ruthless rejection in it ...

  • 12 years ago

    by xXx Eternal PainxXx

    Wow this poem has and is filled with so much emotions but the flow of the poem was off it was kind of forced BUT the intention of the poem was clear and beautiful so 4/5

    Queen Ashlin

    • 12 years ago

      by Areeba Hashmi

      Thanks Ashlin maybe to u it is .... Still ur appreciation is regarded :)

  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    I hope you don't mind but I nominated tihs poem for the weekly poetry contest, THIS POEM IS SO GOOD, TOO FANTASTIC FOR WORDS TO FULLY DESCRIBE how INCREDIBLE it is

    • 12 years ago

      by Areeba Hashmi

      I guess there's been a misunderstanding Cathy cause Its purely my composition u cannot claim that .

    • 12 years ago

      by Areeba Hashmi

      I'm sorry ignore my last comment I perceived it in a wrong way thanku so much fo your nomination :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Mohan

    This poem is full of emotions
    I like your flow,
    Nice piece 5/5..