Comments : Suicidal Impulses

  • 12 years ago

    by Boy

    I still recall how we pulled closer
    from opposing extremes, and no
    matter how dark were the shades
    that reflected us; together we
    were a whole.

    my fav. how you do this i just love the way...
    good poem friend

    • 12 years ago

      by Meme

      Thanks Hassan :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Boy

    I still recall how we pulled closer
    from opposing extremes, and no
    matter how dark were the shades
    that reflected us; together we
    were a whole.

    my fav. how you do this i just love the way...
    good poem friend

  • 12 years ago

    by Hellon

    Meme...this is just beautiful and I wish I had found it before I had used all my votes up for the weekly ....never's still beautiful...

    Science states that
    opposites attract and
    likes repel, but when
    two likes attract then
    even science fails to

    "Love creates the impossible!"

    We both loved each other
    destructively, exclusively,
    possessively, but also truly.

    Suffocating one another
    but breathing into each
    others lives. And we were
    told that our love would
    one day kill us both, and
    that hatred could be our
    only saver. * I thing could should be would and saver should be savior?*

    So you repelled, pushing
    me and your heart as far
    as it gets. And I saw you
    from far away, standing
    all alone, but I knew that
    just like me you were feeling
    like a ghost.

    I still recall how we pulled closer
    from opposing extremes, and no
    matter how dark were the shades
    that reflected us; together we
    were a whole.

    Evidently it was easier to grab your
    bags and go, and I know that you
    would destroy my world if you were
    back in it, but how can I ever call this * back in it doesn't sound so poetic to me ..if you were to stay I would suggest?
    place my world without you!

    Still loved it....

    • 12 years ago

      by Meme

      All corrected :)
      Thanks for always giving me a constructive feedback!

      Love ya <3

  • 12 years ago

    by The Queen

    Some fantastic lines you have there. I love the wisdom that this piece holds. Your intro is perfectly worded and well thought out.

    Excellent piece!

    • 12 years ago

      by Meme

      Thanks :)

  • 12 years ago

    by BlueJay

    Science states that 
    opposites attract and
    likes repel, but when 
    two likes attract then
    even science fails to

    ^ an interesting start. It really captured my attention and made me really want to continue reading the piece.
    "Love creates the impossible!"
    ^ nice comment. Good positioning.

    We both loved each other
    destructively, exclusively,
    possessively, but also truly.

    ^ this stanza gives a unique description to the love and only tells enough to make the audience keep reading to really understand where this piece is going. I like the simplicity here.

    Suffocating one another
    but breathing into each
    others lives. And we were
    told that our love would 
    one day kill us both, and
    that hatred might be our
    only savior.

    ^ i really like this stanza. Especially how it contradicts science, yourselves, and the rest of the piece. Excellent job.

    So you repelled, pushing
    me and your heart as far
    as it gets. And I saw you
    from far away, standing
    all alone, but I knew that
    just like me you were feeling
    like a ghost.

    ^ great descriptions again. I really like the understanding of this person that is shown here. fabulous use of a simile in the last line. (i know childish critique and skill, but its still fun to point out)

    I still recall how we pulled closer 
    from opposing extremes, and no 
    matter how dark were the shades 
    that reflected us; together we 
    were a whole.

    ^ as easy as it would have been to end the piece here I like how you used such a skill to fill in the blanks but leave room for more that the audience might enjoy.

    Evidently it was easier to grab your
    bags and go, and I know that you 
    would destroy my world if you were 
    to stay, but how can I ever call this 
    place my world without you!

    ^ beautiful conclusion!

    All in all I enjoyed this piece. The word choice was fantastic, the theme was beautiful, and the descriptions were just perfect. Your flow was excellent and extremely easy to follow. I love how your voice has no chance to be mistaken and how well it stands out. This piece is wonderful. Truly well written. Its going on my favorites list for sure.


    • 12 years ago

      by Meme

      Thank you so much for the amazing comment :)

  • 12 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    Meme you smashed this , so amazing the first stranza
    Girl you nailed it, it had so much wisdom so much
    Elegance , one if my favs from you

  • 12 years ago

    by Decayed

    I like it! :)

    • 12 years ago

      by Meme

      Hehe, Thanks Abed :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Amreen

    Meme, you are fabulous with this! A thumbs up!!!!

  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Wow! Great job

  • 12 years ago

    by Meme

    Thanks ladies :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Stephen

    This is incredible, filled with such emotion. Sad that some people can be destructive to one and other yet love each other so truly that it hurts deep within.

    Suffocating one another
    but breathing into each
    others lives. And we were
    told that our love would
    one day kill us both, and
    that hatred might be our
    only savior.

    I love how you expressed that thought in this stanza.. Being so "wrong" for one another and yet still so "right".. That you cannot picture life without this person, but being apart from one and other may be the only way either of you will prosper.

    Then you go on into the next stanza with you two parting, yet the feelings still exist.. and you're both sharing loneliness together..
    And although things weren't always ideal, and maybe you two were far from perfect for each other, when together, you felt whole.

    Man, this is really such a beautiful piece. I've truly enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing!!

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Science states that
    opposites attract and
    likes repel, but when
    two likes attract then
    even science fails to

    - I love this and I am fascinated by this idea and how some people believe in it so strongly and yet there are cases where it reverses itself and works just as well. Very creative idea for a poem!

    "Love creates the impossible!"

    - I like how this is singled out MeMe, this is very strong and like you are confidently stating a fact. It certainly does that.

    We both loved each other
    destructively, exclusively,
    possessively, but also truly.

    - this shows that even though real love can be true, it is not flawless and I love your choice of words to display this.

    Suffocating one another
    but breathing into each
    others lives. And we were
    told that our love would
    one day kill us both, and
    that hatred might be our
    only savior.

    - this is so creative MeMe, I love it. I like the idea of suffocating each other, so i get images of perhaps being possessive over each other and controlling what each person does/says etc. But at the same time breathing life into each other lives is amazing because despite the suffocation, you still need each others breathe to stay alive. Amazing! Hatred being a saviour is a very unique idea i have never heard or seen before, it makes me think how people say get out before it is too late and the pain of letting go now will save you from the pain of getting in too deep and letting go too late.

    So you repelled, pushing
    me and your heart as far
    as it gets. And I saw you
    from far away, standing
    all alone, but I knew that
    just like me you were feeling
    like a ghost.

    - this holds a sad tone in this stanza and the iamge alone creates isolation because perhaps they are starting to believe what others say even though in their heart they do not want to. Great insertion of a ghost.

    I still recall how we pulled closer
    from opposing extremes, and no
    matter how dark were the shades
    that reflected us; together we
    were a whole.

    - nice touch here to show that despite all, you were able to remain together to make everything seem okay and that you were both strong enough to get through it together even in the darkness.

    Evidently it was easier to grab your
    bags and go, and I know that you
    would destroy my world if you were
    to stay, but how can I ever call this
    place my world without you!

    - I really like the ending because it sums up the love between the two people and how they mean the world to you and you cannot imagine being without them even if it did mean disaster for you. It appears that perhaps they left to protect you because they loved you, through fear of hurting you and letting you down. In reality they will still hurt you because you need them.

    I also like how the poem doesn't give an ending as such. The image I am left with is of them walking away in the distance but yet they are not gone yet. It is not final one way or another whether they will reunite or stay apart, I guess we have to decide that. Also leaves room for a part 2?

    Definitely into my faves MeMe, well done.

    • 12 years ago

      by Meme

      Thank you so much Saffie, this is an amazing comment. And yes I meant for the ending to be open so that each reader decides on how it would be :)

  • 12 years ago

    by dalllllal

    I absolutely loved this
    So sad and extremely relatable
    You managed to write down all the words and feelings my mind fails to express in such an amazing way

  • 12 years ago

    by Yatubeera Resty

    Am certain, if u had ur way you woud change ur destinies

  • 12 years ago

    by Kate

    This is interesting. Comparing love to a magnet. It's a different twist for a love poem. Especially since you two are much alike and repel. It's ironic but beautifully written. It is easy to relate to and you see the bit of need from each character and even through the love and pain you still love but know it is better to separate. I love it.