Easily Broken

by Samanth   Feb 12, 2013

Whats the point in having a heart if it can so easily be broken?

You let in find peace in the calm sands of an easy beach

only to find the next rain storm has come to wash it all away

toss it about in the surging waves of disaster

leaving behind a reckless mess with no remnants of what once was

Why do we fall in love with the wrong people?

Isnt there supposed to be that one special being

who through just one look can make you truly feel seen?

Every touch every taste better than the last

with whom you can see your future with through the looking glass?

"The heart is treacherous who can know it?"

Such a famous scripture taken so lightly

we trust our hearts so easily

saying oh yes thats the one for me

Never realizing what will truly be

a sad ending filled with regret and the sorrow for the loss

our happiness being the cost.

"Stand aside oh fearless concience

i know better" says the heart

Leading us to a masterpiece that will only fall apart

Warmer and warmer the feelings get

till we feel as if in a sunny green pasture full of

fragrant floral decoration

then suddenly the flowers so prevelant suddenly begin to freeze

an icy cold sets in

and no longer does the sunshine carress your skin

but cold frost settles on the surface

not even warmed by the heat of the furnace

Ice is all thats left

wrapped around the heart

that believed it knew best

We cry out to love

oh rescue you me sweet emotions

and then we curse it when it doesnt stay

We open our selves so easily

to feelings that will never truly be

We get caught playing a fools game

Never a winner, to loose is our only aim

It starts with a funny feelings

this one is different

then feelings grow

you hope that they show

your face begins to glow

and suddenly love appears

dashing away your fears

charming and romantic

are the acts of this new person

love and future are all you dream

they feel true it to so it would seem...

Suddenly goals are different

and likenesses no longer shared

differences are all thats there

and your heart is something you cant bear

make it go away you scream

hoping the insanity goes unseen

never again you lie

will anyone ever make you cry

and thus your heart is broken

So i ask again

Whats the point in having a heart thats so easily broken?



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  • 12 years ago

    by Love Hurts

    I love this poem! I truly understand your point.

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