
by Kelwin lost in thought   Feb 13, 2013

The ruler of the skies
the creator everything feared
the mighty dragons
they lived away from us
they were higher up on the food chain
they killed a few humans
they were doing what they needed to do to survive
then they were monsters
humans declared war on their kind
they didn't stop till they were all killed
we destroyed their race
eleminating them for all time
you only hear of them in stories of knights
seen as a mythical beast
but they were real
not made up
they ruled the world
till we killed them
dragons were real


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  • 11 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Wow, I lvoed the word choice you used in this, magnificent job, I loved reading it and I can't wait to see if there is a part two. I guess I enver thought about the stories of dragons that way, ownderful way you put it!! 100/100

  • 12 years ago

    by Aubrey

    Wonderful!!!! Loved it:)

  • 12 years ago

    by Kate

    I like how you paint them out to be.
    You think of dragons you usually think they guard castles and are ruthless...
    but here, those are the humans.
    I like it :)

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