
by Aureus Argentum   Feb 13, 2013

Silver stone among the sea,
heartstrings feel thine love for me.
Fall into the cloud-clad moon,
reply to Death: "I'm coming soon."

Demon spawn among the earth,
take from Him before the birth.
Sit upon your throne and laugh,
worship under Death's behalf.

Whisper schemes to sinful ears,
pride the ones with graceful tears.
Fall upon your knees and cry,
never asking Satan "why?"

Answer, fists into the ground,
upon the earth, you scream and pound.
Don't turn to Him who gives the "why,"
fall on your knees, break down, and die.

Satan whispers "you knew why.
I didn't kill you, but I lied."

Only you will know why;
beyond ash, the graves don't lie.
Just weep for those who have died,

for Satan will rehash the lie.

(C) Brianna Rose Burton 2012

Schadenfreude : to take pleasure from other people's misery.
Schaden = damage
Freude = joy


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  • 12 years ago

    by Saerelune

    Triple post.

    Sorry! =/

  • 12 years ago

    by Saerelune

    Double post

  • 12 years ago

    by Saerelune

    These kind of poems are so rare to find, probably half-extinct due to their "old-fashioned" nature, but I find that these roots of poetry should be more celebrated, and you did so in a very classy manner, as always. ;)

    Obviously I enjoyed the rhythm and rhyme, you're getting very good at these metered verses. I feel a certain sense of serenity upon reading this poem, although it's a gentle nudge at humanity/morality.

  • 12 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    It is beautiful and full of wisdom. Well written and logical.

  • 12 years ago

    by Ingrid


    For this gem to be without any comments just goes to show you this site has little to do with poetry at all. I wonder if they'd recognize real talent if they tripped over it;)

    Amazingly beautiful and so true, loved the poem, my little sis <3

    5/5 Ingrid

    • 12 years ago

      by Aureus Argentum

      Aww thanks!! :) this is one of my favorite pieces.