
by TJ Arizona Eagle   Feb 13, 2013

A mist hangs heavy over the mountains
shrouding trees with a shifting mist of white.
Intoxicating whisper of wild flowers
mix delicately with the earthy scent of pines.

A blissful moon illuminates through
the forest's dark curtain of sleeping trees.
Songs from unseen residents ride the winds of winter,
as they wait longingly for the first days of spring.

A doe snuggles close to her fawn awaiting morn,
and the sweet rays of sunlight that brings warmth.
Above an owl keeps watch over the tranquil domain.
Only God could paint such a reverent scene.


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  • 11 years ago

    by Goth marionette

    Impressive!! I do love it.
    you are as great as always .

    • 11 years ago

      by TJ Arizona Eagle

      Thanks girl my best poem is the one we did together . Hope all is cool with you

  • 11 years ago

    by Darren

    This is poetry perfection, (unfortunate that a sonnet was lingering the same week, otherwise this would have scored 10)
    Anyhow, TJ shows us all how to write a nature poem that radiates peace and tranquillity. The very first line sets the scene well and it is nature filled bliss from there on in. Everything is given just enough detail to paint a beautiful scenic piece. It is also a great eye opener to what we take for granted each day in our busy lives. My only wish was that it was twice as long, it is one of those poems you do not want the ending to arrive. Great write.

    • 11 years ago

      by TJ Arizona Eagle

      Thanks I've been gone for a while so it's a late response..

  • 12 years ago

    by yogi73

    Very cool! I love a mature and well thought out nature poem. Love the imagery it conjours!

  • 12 years ago

    by Dreamofolwin

    So beautifully penned... If a poem can be breathtaking this is it! :D Your imagery is exquisite .... I am in awe :))

    P.s " Only God could paint such a reverent scene" is true.... but ONLY YOU could paint such a scene with your words! :D

    Excellent TJ

  • 12 years ago

    by Liz

    The wording and flow are so perfect. It's such a calming, peaceful feeling, reading this. A beautiful picture.