Comments : Guy who couldn't die

  • 12 years ago

    by Kate

    Maybe you can't die for a reason: you're meant to live for something that would change someone's world completely. :) You're amazing and it'd be terrible without you

  • 12 years ago

    by whoami

    I completely agree with Kate. You aren't supposed to die Kelwin. Not yet.

  • 11 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    In every line I read my heart pounded louder and louder! I wanted to scream to you to stop trying because I'm afraid one of these days it will work, but I truly believe, as I'm down on my knees praying you'll live and stop trying to take away the life that makes mine worth more then you can imagine to me, because it has you! Down on my knees trying not to cry, I truly believe, that you lived for a reason, you are not meant to die, Kate is right, incredible right, God gave you this life for a reason don't throw it away, please don't! And everytime you tried to kill yourself it didn't work, you're not supposed to die, God has a plan for you, you have purpose, more then only words can disscribe, but keep living and you'll find out, believe me please you will, you are an inspiraiton when you hold on, don't let yourself die, don't let that demon consume yo, because you're better then that, please, hold on, for the fate you are meant to reach! You will change the world as you have changed mine!! WONDERFUL POEM, A PLUS PLUS, 100/100!!