Cutters plea

by Kelwin lost in thought   Feb 14, 2013

Sitting alone in my dark room
my knife is calling me
it's saying it wants to kiss me
to let my heart cry
I am saying no
but my body is saying yes
I want to stop
but it's apart of me
it's who I am
who I was
I'm am begging for it to go away
to stop talking
to get out of my head
to leave me alone
I am crying
begging for it to stop
I know I am a cutter
but I don't want to be
I want to get better
I want to live without my knife
but I don't know if I can


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  • 11 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    This almost made me cry, it made me want to run to you and take the knife from you and hug you!! Wow, this poem is driving me insane it is sooooo good, outstanding job one of my favorites of yours! 100/100

  • 12 years ago

    by Kate

    Hun, you'll get better. Promise. :)
    It'll take a lot of time but it will happen because you have so many people by your side to help you through.
    I know the blade may call your name hun but you need to do everything you can to resist it.
    You wanna get better.. it will take a lot of effort and I will be here, promise.

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