Happy Valentine's Day

by ah satan 666   Feb 14, 2013

Vines for veins, pumping
the bitter taste of a bad wine
around my body, like morphine
scratching at a pain.

You crushed my heart so many times,
like a black smith beating at iron.

Thank you for my shield,
All forms of affection are
now deflected...

and you wish me a
Happy valentines day...

I'm no longer chocolate
that melts in your presence.
I am a master piece created by
your hand, no longer do I feel pain;
numb is the powered shield,..

So do your worst,

for I already pity you.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    One of your best poems! Love the wording and how simple the message of the poem is, we can all relate to it and the fact that they hurt us and we put this shield up, which in turn only hurts us more because we do not let anyone else near.

    Great work! x

  • 12 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Oh HELLO! Now this is a powerful piece!

  • 12 years ago

    by Rusheena

    Wow! This is very powerful and vivid. I love the metaphor of a shield, and I definitely relate. It's hard to put your heart out there, after it's been trampled (by anyone), but it makes it harder for you to open it up the next time.

    Your title and the word veins are misspelled, unless that was intentional. Other than that, this is definitely a favorite. :)

    • 12 years ago

      by ah satan 666

      Thank you...:)

      I'm on my phone writing, the touch screen keyboard annoys me lol