Comments : The Heart's Voice (collab)

  • 12 years ago

    by Wild flower

    It's an honor writing with you:)
    Thank you Saffie<3

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Was great writing with you, you are awesome :) xx

  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC


  • 12 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Ladies- Both of you writing together leaves me speechless... Both of your wordings meshed so beautifully... what an inspirational message!

    the flow was spot on... Very pretty Collab my sweet ones!!

  • 12 years ago

    by Angie

    Oh Ladies.... OMG, I absolutely love this write, the message within is very inspirational... when you take two wonderful and talented writers and put them together to write you get one powerful piece. The flow, the words, the message, everything is perfect... well done ladies, well done!

  • 12 years ago

    by BlueJay

    I love the descriptions in this piece. The imagery is amazing. The style and flow really don't feel like two people wrote this. The voice is coherent and feels like one strong beautiful voice.

    beautiful piece

  • 12 years ago

    by Rusheena

    Beautiful collab! I love the flow and the metaphor of a speaking heart. I also love the urgency of the speaker because the choice is life-changing, even though the person the speaker's addressing seems reluctant. Very nice work, girls!

  • 12 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    You two compliment each others work. Well done hope to see more

  • 12 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    This is amazing, are friggin awesome! This is so thought provoking.

    If your heart had the gift of speech, tell me what would it say? Would the words sound the same as the ones from your lips, or would they contrast like the sun and the rain?

    ^ I Love how direct the opening was, all those questions...

    The answers to your questions forever will be hidden, for I am the gift you were given. Listen carefully for what I have to say, or in pain you must always stay.

    ^ How true is this? Questions are not always answered, but I love this way of wording that and how your saying, listen to me.

    If your heart had the gift of voicing how it feels, tell me with whom would it share? Would it echo far across the land for everyone to hear, or would it remain a silent mute for the world to misunderstand?

    ^ More questions, beautiful wording, all the thoughts just ponder over, awesome

    But you are the one who must decide which route your heart will take. Being misunderstood is your choice, don't miss your only chance..

    ^ I love this! inspirational. So direct and to the point

    If your heart had the gift of communicating with the voices of your mind, would you compromise or agree to disagree?

    ^ Oh yes

    We fall into the habit which becomes a life routine, where the mind must blame the heart and the heart must blame the mind.

    ^ What a powerful way to end.

    Girls you smashed it. Love it.
    Inspirational, beautiful, powerful, awesome


  • 12 years ago

    by Skyler

    The flow is a bit odd, at first, in places where I see thematic punctuation (mainly commas) could have been used. As the poem goes on, that is more than made up for by colorful words and and a stunningly deep theme. I have to say that this is a piece that will truly leave me thinking and wondering. I appreciate you sharing it with us, Baby Rainbow and Wild Flower.

  • 5 years ago

    by Star

    Ok I know this is random, I was reading over my old poems, and I came across this. I immediately came to PnQ and searched the title, for some reason I freaked out when I actually found it :)

    I was wildflower at that time. This brought back so many memories!!