Comments : Woman's Love vs Man's Work [Tanka]

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Ok, so your forms always have a meaning and they always make me think so here are my thoughts on this one:

    The womans work is her love, and the mans work is to accept this love and love it back? therefor creating misunderstanding if this is mistaken?

    It amazes me what mind boggling thoughts I get from reading your forms and I often wonder what exactly you were thinking when you wrote them!!

    You have a gift for the formed poetry - I am jealous.

  • 12 years ago

    by Rusheena

    I love this! This is very insightful. This can be easily misinterpreted, especially in this day and age, but if you read in between the line, you can see the beauty in this truth.

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    The man gives more attention to his work than to the woman.. and the woman starts to think the man loves the work more than he loves her because the woman's only job is to love her love, and that's the only thing she does in this particular poem, so he has enough time and the majority is not spent with her love.

    ^ those are my thoughts based on what I read.