What cures a broken heart

by Kelwin lost in thought   Feb 16, 2013

What cures a broken heart
cutting helps
drugs hide the pain
pills make you numb
crying helps alittle
so what cures a broken heart
some says love
but that can make it worse
so what is the true cure
it can be what ever you need
the knife helps me
but so does drugs
guess it's what ever you choose


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  • 11 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    What helps cure a broken heart is looking around you and seeing oyu have other reasons to keep on fighting, not just them, for me you helped cure my borken heart, so many people on this site did, especially you Kelwin, you have always been here for me, and for that I am truly thankful and I hope one day I can repay you, but please hold onto yoursle f and stay strong you deserve the best and if someone breaks your heart then they most sorrtenly arents' the best!

  • 11 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    What helps cure a broken heart is looking around you and seeing oyu have other reasons to keep on fighting, not just them, for me you helped cure my borken heart, so many people on this site did, especially you Kelwin, you have always been here for me, and for that I am truly thankful and I hope one day I can repay you, but please hold onto yoursle f and stay strong you deserve the best and if someone breaks your heart then they most sorrtenly arents' the best!

  • 12 years ago

    by Kate

    What heals a broken heart is surrounding yourself with friends and the ones who love you.
    Yes, those things may help but they hinder the happiness that a mended heart brings.

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