The one I will always love

by Kelwin lost in thought   Feb 16, 2013

The one I will alway love is you
you Sarah
you stole my heart
from the first time you talked to me
I never believed in love at first sight
but I loved you the very first time I saw you
of all the girls in the world
it was you who I first fell in love with
you were not like any girl in the world
you were trully special
one of a kind
the first time I heard your voice
my heart exploded out of my chest
the first time I saw you
I swore I died and went to heaven
the first time I touched you
my hands has never touched anything like you
the first time I kissed you
I will never forget
you were the sweetest girl I have ever known
I loved you with my whole heart
I still love you with my whole heart
I have never stopped loving you
and I never will
if only you loved me as much as I loved you
everyone said we were the perfect couple
that nothing could get between us
if only that was true
it's been 5 years
now your not the same girl I once loved
you are nothing like her
I loved the girl you once were
the inacence girl
why did I have to change you
why did I have to mess it all up


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  • 11 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    This poem is so AMAZING!! And truly beautiful in each word! It really wiggled inself into my heart and laid eggs, wonderful poem, I truly love it, oustanding job, inspiring, she must ahve really been something and don't blame yourself I don't believe you messed her up, don't blame yourself!!!!

  • 12 years ago

    by Kate

    This is beautiful then completely tragic. I love it.
    I like how you express every aspect of her effect on you but you shouldn't blame yourself in the end.
    It sets apart the poem. Makes it sorta choppy.

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