Dark Water Lover

by Aerie Gerard   Feb 16, 2013

Your eyes are blue;
Dark Water over stones.
Blonde hair like silk that
U n t h r e a d s
My heart.
I tremble and I try to hold back,
All the words I want to say to you.
The words you don't want to hear,
But I feel anyway.

Bible Burners;
You and I burn it up.
We roll Gods words into
C i g a r e t t e s
Then, we kill each other.
You tell me all your fairy tales,
They leave me rattled with the words.
And I open my eyes,
When your lips unearth me.

I hope the cold consumes you,
When you walk northbound,
A l o n e
The way I was born.
I shake with anger at you,
That I could love you so much,
Just to have nothing at all
Returned to me.

My melancholy self will miss,
The way your fingers feel
U n w i n d i n g
My body.
And how warm I feel,
Sleeping in your arms,
And how alone I feel,
When you smile.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Swallowing Tongues

    This is absolutely brilliant. I'd just like to say that I think you are incredibly talented as a poet and I am jealous. I wish I could write like you.

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