Breath and Blood

by yogi73   Feb 17, 2013

Before I had only silly poems,
in which to live my reality

before I was lying and asleep,
living an easy deniablity

before my life was so assured,
now floating in the grace of uncertainty

the fates we choose
may we face with gratitude and vivacity

abundance of life abounds
forego my ego and covet humility

with breath and blood
we carve our intentioned journey


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  • 11 years ago

    by Daylight Lucidity

    Wow... Mind blown. I have yet to read something as fascinating and unique as this. Very well penned and the underlying message was a great idea. I enjoyed reading this very much and look forward to reading more poems to come :) 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    What I get from this is that we live life to the maximum and at the same time give what we can to help others. Instead of just thinking and concerning about oneself, the same consideration should be given to others; that is when life is fulfilled. Liked the message in here.

    Take care and keep penning :)

    • 12 years ago

      by yogi73

      Thanks, Meena. I always love hearing your thoughts.

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