Depression 2

by Kelwin lost in thought   Feb 17, 2013

a word we all fear
the thing that's hurts more then anything
you could even say it kills
it's worse then a ticked off father protecting his little girl
the one word we all fear
it like a double edge sword
no matter how it hits you
it always leaves it's mark
it brings sadness lonlyness sorrow
pain misery and hate
one word that brings so much pain
everyone deals with depression in different ways
some go to meds
others drugs
or even selfharm
it can even get so worse that it cause death
just to get away from it
everyone does what helps them the best
and hopefully it never comes down to death
such power
in one single word
it can make you or break you
it can go away
or stay with you for life
there is many forms of depression
going from minor to major
even can be bipolar
which to me
that is the worse
being all happy one moment
then wanting to end it all the next
out of no where it stricks
beating and battering you
till your crawled up into a ball crying
or that's how it is for me
so depression
it's the one thong I trully fear
cause I know
it will be the death of me


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  • 11 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    This is sooo powerful and so deep, it took control of me, and now I feel numb inside! This poem spome out to me as it will to so many, it truly gets people, you are an amazing artist with your words and your understanding on depression will help others, help the reader, help anyone you come in contact with, outstanding poem! And Kelwin please don't ever commit suicide, I might not always act like it but you truly mean so much to me and I don't know how I'd get by without you, you help me get through heart breaks and frinedhsip being lost, you are truly like a brother to me, the best one of all!

  • 12 years ago

    by Reaper

    I know the feeling Great Poem !

  • 12 years ago

    by Kate

    I have the bipolar-like depression. Not tested by doctors but there is no other reason for the way it makes me feel.

    Anyway, I like the poem and examples given.

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