When We Make Love Tonight

by William Mae   Feb 18, 2013

W hen we make love we celebrate,
H eaven with our heart,
E ternal connections of the soul,
N eeds only a place to start.

W e've become much better at,
E xploring our desires,

M aking nighttime memories,
A s were fanning passions fire.
K ept in our treasured storehouse,
E very moment we've employed.

L iving, loving, laughter,
O wning these along with joy,
V ery conscience of the blessings,
E ven in our cloudy days,

T aking every chance that's given,
O wning love along the way.
N o adventure in setting passive,
I seek with you through prayers above,
G iving all unto this moment,
H olding to our,
T rust in love.


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  • 11 years ago

    by Lostlove1

    I did not realize it was an Acrostic..oops. My bad, this adds a lot of beauty to this piece :)
    It looks really good up there. Helps with the capital letters standing out. Awesome.

  • 11 years ago

    by Lostlove1

    This is beautiful but...

    I am not crazy about the way the stanzas are broken.. it throws the middle stanzas rhyme pattern off. If this was my poem I would get rid of those 2 line stanzas and make them all four so your rhyme is back on track.

  • 12 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    For some reason I feel that there is so much within these lines yet it has been restricted so as to not go overboard with the writer's true feelings. There is passion burning yet it is contained...Just a feeling... :)

    All in all I liked it and am glad that you have started writing again..take care.