I Love You (My Prince)

by CathyButterflyJC   Feb 19, 2013

Te amo
princeps mi
Volo nos simul in aeternum
Amplectaris me in aeternum
Carissime coniunx, in quibus benedixerit mihi Deus
Donec non occurrit dies
Et date annulum in digito potest
Et nunquam dimittam
Te amo

This is Latin, the Egnlish translation is

I love you
My prince
I wish for us together forever
Hug me forever
My beloved husband, whom God has blessed me with
I cannot wait until we meet one day
And you can put a ring upon my finger
And I'll never let you go
I love you


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  • 11 years ago

    by mckenzie

    Awww.... a cute poem. loved how you included the latin translation, symbolizes how universal love is. we can all relate to this dream.

  • 11 years ago


    A touching piece Cathy! Well done, this was an interesting written piece, and in two languages as well?!!! Well worth the read!

  • 11 years ago

    by Steven Croat

    Unfortunately I don't know Latin, but the English version is great! :)
    Nice work!

  • 12 years ago

    by LostForWords

    Wow I like this very much, love the idea of using Latin. Gives it character. Great write.

  • 12 years ago

    by Natasha

    I am much delighted in reading love poetry like this. Because whenever every word of love gets into my head, it absorbs right through my veins, and it goes straight to my heart.

    Yes, I can feel this piece of yours, Cathy!

    "I cannot wait until we meet one day
    And you can put a ring upon my finger
    And I'll never let you go
    I love you"

    Now, the best part about these few lines is, it is my favorite. Why do I say so? While both my mind and heart keeps telling that this is about a long distance love, I too, keeps telling myself that I am correct.

    And my apologies on that if I am mistaken. As it is just a random guess from me.

    But this love you are carving in this piece is really special, Cath. Within 9 lines, you summed up all the love and affection you're having, and that is remarkably adorable, and amazing.

    Keep penning about your love, as I'm looking forward to reading it.