Comments : From what I thought was love, to friendship.

  • 12 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    I love this Yaki, sometimes when love ends and two people are still friends, thats the best thing in the world because you still have them beside you, but its a rare thing and that means it should be held dearly, the friendship...

    The way you penned that fear of losing someone for good, the way you said that jealousy can come but its better to be there and watch it to not have them with you as a friend and see them happy.

    Lovely write...sorry if my comment doesn't make sense, I felt this touched a part of me.


  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    I nominated this poem, I love it soooo much, words can not describe how awesome it is!

  • 12 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Amazing piece Yaki, boy can you write some heartfelt sad poetry!!! It always makes me reflect, even if it's not supposed to...because I think whether it's a close friendship or an even more personal relationship and something has happened to almost break the trust, it takes time to realize it's better to remember them than ignore and block out of one's life. Losing someone all over again must be even more painful, I can't even imagine, because you go through so much with him/her. Great write...Take care <3