She doesnt know

by Justusrosario   Feb 22, 2013

She doesn't know because she doesn't see
What this world is doing to me
She doesn't know but she makes me sad
When she despises the love we had
She doesn't know but my heart shes hurt
With one little poem and with one little blurt
She doesn't know but she didn't see
What another girl has done to me
She doesn't know and she probably won't care
That she makes my day better when at her I stare
She doesn't know but I hope she'll see
More than just a jerk in me
She doesn't know that I am in pain
My attempts to regain her have been made in vain
She doesn't know but her I still love
She's still an angel sent from above
She doesn't know she's my best friend
I hope one day she'll trust me again
She doesn't know and she doesn't care
She's taking my heart and beggining to tear
She doesn't know I don't know what to do
But I'll always be here praying the best for you..........

This is my first sad toned poem and I hope it's my last ....


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  • 12 years ago

    by Angel

    Tell her. to her face. im very sure that she will take you back

  • 12 years ago

    by Justusrosario

    Sorry for the roughness and poor format but I did this in literally two minutes