Comments : Tambura

  • 12 years ago

    by L


    This is an incredible Narrative. I have read this poem several times and I'm not the best at commenting but I usually tell what I thought the poem was about and let me tell you that I thought this was about two man who went to a casino to play. They won and were living the moment. Having fun and cheating on their wives at Least one of them did. The only thing that confuses me is that when I started reading I associated the two man in the casino, later on, there was one in the sauna, and later on, they are out of the casino into a car while listening to the music. Now I felt there was some forshadow as you said murdering melanie something, and them overlooking the "velvety joke of the instrument's home" I can only think that perhaps someone will die? The word "overlooking" hints me to that. The confusion arouse when towards the end, I felt that perhaps everything happen in a car. Or may be everything happen in an order casino then car. What I am trying to figure out is who is the speaker or where does the speaker comes from? Rather who on that scene is narrating what is seeing. But that's just a curiousity of I. 5/5

    I probably need a couple or a lot more reads to fully see everything within this work of art.